Outdoor Education

在索莱伯里学校学习并不局限于课堂. Solebury offers various outdoor activities that take advantage of our location in Bucks County, PA, a region known for its rolling hills and state parks set alongside the Delaware River. We explore other areas of the United States, as well, by hosting multi-day trips.

Our goal is to build our students’ confidence through challenging yet fun excursions and develop an appreciation and respect for nature. 无论技能水平如何, 我们带学生到户外体验大自然, 锻炼和激发一种平和和幸福的感觉.



我们每年的滑雪之旅 Okemo in Vermont takes place during Mid-Winter Break, February 1-4, 2019. 这里是所有的细节. 空位数量有限,你必须签到 this form and 这份许可表格, 还有200美元的定金,以确保有个位置. The spots will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis and at our discretion. You can turn forms and deposits in to Sarah May, Stacie Anastasio, or Jen Perez. Contact Sarah May with any questions.


Rock Climbing

没有什么比登顶更爽的了. Students of all abilities are welcome to join this after-school activity—no previous rock climbing experience is required! During the fall, we climb at Ralph Stover State Park High Rocks, Schwangunks, and other areas. During the winter, we climb indoors at a local rock climbing gym. 室内攀爬需额外收费.


Outdoor Club

Members of this club take part in noncompetitive outdoor activities, from canoeing to hiking—students hit the towpath located next to the Delaware River (either the Pennsylvania or New Jersey side) and try to cover anywhere from 2 to 4.5 miles per day. 欢迎所有技术水平的人加入我们!



Complementing an annual trip to Vermont, we take several day trips to 蓝山度假村 每年冬天都去波科诺斯滑雪. For each trip, 我们将在早上7:30左右离开学校, 开车过去,花一天时间滑雪, 然后在晚饭时间回来. 如果你感兴趣,请联系Stacie Anastasio sanastasio@dirtyvideosonline.com 或者莎拉·萨金特 ssargent@dirtyvideosonline.com for details. 除了这些旅行, SSS融合了校园里的冬季乐趣, 从雪鞋到“雪人制作”再到“雪球工程”."



For those with a passion for the environment, this club is a great way to advocate on its behalf. 会员们鼓励韦德娱乐app下载地址的自然保护, as well as promote an awareness of the environmental issues facing the world today. 我们请来演讲者,并在周末举办活动. We are particularly proud to have been the driving force behind the school’s environmental improvements over the last decade, 包括改善回收政策, 在食堂里堆肥, 以及建立一个社区花园.


Jared Levy是一位经验丰富的户外教育工作者. 在格里利的奥韦戈湖夏令营待了四个夏天, PA, 他是湖中活动的顾问, 攀岩和徒步旅行. In that time, 他在特拉华河上划了两次100英里的独木舟, taught campers how to rock climb–both on adventure courses and excursions to the ’Gunks in New York–and chaperoned overnight camping trips in the local area. 他也是一名户外冒险家, having hiked the Shenandoah section of the Appalachian Trail and sections of the Grand Canyon, as well as having explored many of the natural wonders in his father's adopted home country of New Zealand. He enjoys experiencing the outdoors with the Solebury community and sharing what he’s learned. 贾里德是 野外急救.

If you have questions about any of the above trips or activities, please email Jared at jlevy@dirtyvideosonline.com.

“这次旅行是我所期望的一切,甚至更多. The unique friendships that formed through hiking to Angel's Landing in Zion and 16 miles of the Grand Canyon will last a lifetime. We all made the most out of every situation, from watery pancakes to hiking an extra couple miles. I will cherish the hours we spent in the car jamming out to music and the late-night talks we had in the tent. I can't imagine spending my senior year spring break any other way." —SOFIA GIANGRASSO '16, ON OUR SPRING BREAK TRIP 2016 TO THE SOUTHWEST